Tuesday, September 12, 2006

My First Post!!

This is a historic day! Not only is this my first blog post ever, it is also the 5 year aniversary of the 9/11 attacks. So, excuse me for being either too bitter or too sweet tonight with any of my comments.

Even though the only reason I am starting this blog is because it is a requirement for an Internet Marketing class I'm taking at BYU, and considering I usually don't enjoy doing anything just to fulfill a requirement, this idea really intrigues me. Does anyone remember the show Doogie Howser, MD? Well, If you're old enough to remember then you might understand me when I say I kinda fell like Doogie at the end of every show writing his daily log. Anyway, it's always exciting to be a part of anything as expansive and contemporary as the online community.

Maybe some of you thought as I did today, back to five years ago; where you were, what you were doing, and how you felt when you saw the atrocities of 9/11. I remember I was at my grandmothers house in Houston, Texas and I had just woken up and walked into their living room. I could see faces before I saw anything on t.v. They didn't even have to say that something terrible had happened, I already knew. I remember feeling helpless and like I had to do something at the same time. I even considered joining the military, thinking my hopes of serving the two year mission I had already been called to for my church were over.

Nevertheless, I pressed on... We all did. I did serve a mission. I came home and found a wonderful companion and married her, and now we're expecting our first child! Even though it was a terrible day that none of us will ever forget, I learned that we can still overcome even our darkest days. Here's to the victims, the heroes, and the villains of that day! We Will Never Forget! We Will Never Give Up!


Unknown said...

Your comments of sombre truth ring loudly and deep; Doogie WAS a hero in his own time. I loved the opening scrolls that showed all his achievements as a youth. Scoring 1600 on the SAT (as it was graded back in the day), going to college and graduating as the youngest intern in medical history, all the while developing as a normal teen boy but with the weight of responsibility firm on his shoulders. He had a buddy, I think his name was Vinny; at least he looked like a Vinny, the putz. He was always scamming and conniving and chasing the ladies, living in the shadow of his brilliant friend. The best part however was, as you said, at the very end when Doogie would type on his ghetto computer diary and then and the very end go (backspace) (backspace) (backspace) and then add something really profound and inspirational. It kept me going all those lonely years of elementary school. Thank you Doogie, Thank YOU.

Unknown said...

Your comments of sombre truth ring loudly and deep; Doogie WAS a hero in his own time. I loved the opening scrolls that showed all his achievements as a youth. Scoring 1600 on the SAT (as it was graded back in the day), going to college and graduating as the youngest intern in medical history, all the while developing as a normal teen boy but with the weight of responsibility firm on his shoulders. He had a buddy, I think his name was Vinny; at least he looked like a Vinny, the putz. He was always scamming and conniving and chasing the ladies, living in the shadow of his brilliant friend. The best part however was, as you said the very end when doogie would type in his ghetto computer diary and then and the very end go (backspace) (backspace) (backspace) and then add something really profound and inspirational. It kept me going all those lonely years of elementary school. Thank you Doogie, Thank YOu

Aubry Moore said...

Oh so true my friend. Thanks for expanding my memory once again! (I didn't mean for that to rhyme)

A. Travis Moore said...

grayson!? does he even do school?

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