Saturday, September 30, 2006

Digg founders launch Revision3

There's been a lot of news being dugg lately on the popular website dealing with the recent announcement of the launch of Revision3, a new internet video production website from the founders of digg.

What is Digg?
For those who haven't visited it's a fun site that allows users to submit stories or content about all kinds of news related topics. From what I understand the website was started by two men, Jay Adelson and Kevin Rose, who gained recognition on the old techTV channel as hosts. They started as a medium for a technology savvy audience to post user-generated news and content that they could share with other users and that could be voted on through a process they call "digging".

For as difficult as I may have made that last sentence sound, joining the digg community and the process of submitting and voting on material is very simplistic, which I think is one of the key drivers to this website. That's what keeps me returning at least. The process of sifting through stories that already have a lot of diggs, and finding the less popular ones is kind of addicting. The stories you digg get saved to your profile as a history and community members can see a list of stories you've dugg.

So enough about digg, all I will say now is that if you've read this far you should probably at least check out the website to see if you agree with me or not.

Returning to my topic... the founders of digg have now launched an interactive user-generated internet video site which has some unique characteristics. First of all, they have a programming formula that, quoting the New York Times article from Sept. 25 is "a hybrid of the polished shows created for the networks and the amateur videos that populate sites like YouTube." Although they are taking a chance by seeking to bring more order to user-generated media, they are following a trend in Internet video from user-generated clips to "a more controlled environment." I've added a link to the article on my digg account that would be a useful read if you're interested

I think these guys are on to something. It's a simple idea, just taking something that is already successful tweaking it a little bit by organizing it better and adding a few features, but isn't that what has worked for so many successful companies (Google particularly)? Very few are successful at reinventing the wheel, but in a real-time world where thoughtful marketers and entrepreneurs can spot a trend as it unfolds there are endless opportunities for those who capitalize on them.


A. Travis Moore said...

yeah, i like the idea of revision3. but they're doing it wrong i think personally. i have ideas that would make for a better 'internet television station'. but it is a cool concept, b/c it allows people with just ideas to be able to make content and get an audience if it's good enough. so you don't have to spend years of your life trying to get in with CBS or ABC or fox. you can start, and if people like it, you'll go somewhere hopefully.

Stephanie said...

Thanks for the info about I'd never heard about it until about 30 minutes ago, but found your insite and information about quite helpful.